99% is Not Good Enough for In-Office Infusions & Injections
Are you confident that your infusion biller is 99% accurate in capturing the high-dollar medications documented by your infusion nurse? Are your infusion nurses 99% accurate in their treatment documentation? Is your inventory management 99% accurate? The problem is, 99% could be costing you up to 30-40% of your infusion profit every month. If you […]
Infusion Center Trends & Takeaways from the 2016 Magellan Rx Report
At WeInfuse, we think the annual Magellan Trend Reports are manna from heaven. This year’s report is no different, and it’s full of gold nuggets that prove the physician / provider-based Infusion Center is the optimal site of care providing patients quality, convenient and cost-effective care. Whether you operate a stand-aloneInfusion Center or provide infusions as […]
Is Your Infusion Center Leaking Cash?
In the past few months, I have asked practices and practice managers all over the country to do a simple test to see if their in-office Infusion Centers are leaking money. I ask them to secretly remove a single vial of expensive medication from their inventory and then see how long it takes someone on […]