WeInfuse Infusion Center Podcast Series is Live!
Listen to our recently launched WeInfuse Infusion Center Podcast series to hear interviews from infusion suite and Infusion Center industry experts. Learn how some of the leading infusion practices and companies are innovating and thriving in today’s’ complex healthcare environment. Hear sound advice, tips, and tricks from experienced industry executives and practice managers who are working to […]
The Cost of Patient Noncompliance
For the practice-based infusion suites and stand-alone Infusion Centers, keeping patients compliant with their treatment schedules results in better clinical outcomes and improves the financial health of their business models. While treatment compliance is important with traditional oral medications or therapeutic injectables, it is paramount with specialty injectables and IVIG therapies. Specialty medications, including biologics […]
Holiday Infusion Medication Shipping Delays
Its the most wonderful time of the year! …unless you are in charge of ordering infusion medication and medical supplies for your patients. 🙂 This is a courtesy reminder to all of our blog readers that normal expectations for medication and medical supply deliveries should be moderated to include delays caused by increased holiday shipping. […]
Infusion Medication Monitoring Considerations
I have visited many practices and Infusion Centers that have gone to great lengths to protect their facilities from would be intruders – installing special locks, key fobs, and various alarm and surveillance equipment. While it is important to physically secure items in your facilities, theft of property is not what should keep most of […]
Buying or Upgrading your Infusion Center Refrigerator
When was the last time you did the math on the dollars worth of infusion medication inventory in your practice? If you’re like most providers, you likely have 10’s to 100’s of thousands of dollars of temperature controlled inventory occupying the very small and fragile square footage of your infusion center refrigerator. In this post, […]
“Specialty Pharmacy Only” in your Infusion Center
In previous posts, we have discussed the merits of both Buy&Bill and Specialty Pharmacy inventory strategies for your office Infusion Center. If you missed our previous writings, you should take a moment to read our previous posts for some context To Buy&Bill or not to Buy&Bill and Specialty Pharmacy is your friend. If you are brand new […]
Specialty Pharmacy is your friend…sometimes
I have a “like” (never love) and “hate” relationship with Specialty Pharmacies. Likewise, there are infusion providers that wouldn’t accept a Specialty Pharmacy shipment under any condition and others who wouldn’t Buy&Bill a medication if it cost more than $20 a vial. Our last post provided a brief overview of both Buy&Bill and Specialty Pharmacy […]
To Buy&Bill or not to Buy&Bill…it’s a profit question
Rapid changes in commercial medication reimbursements, the uncertainty of Medicare payment policies, and an influx of new biologic and specialty medications have many providers re-thinking their medication inventory strategies in an effort to balance or avoid risk while continuing to provide their patients access to infusible and injectable medications in their office-based Infusion Centers. This […]