Episode 36: How Infusion Pumps Streamline Your Practice With Steve Watkins | EVP of Zyno

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Steve Watkins, Executive VP of Zyno Solutions, joined us to discuss how you can make an educated decision on whether you should incorporate infusion pumps in your practice in order to reduce stress and streamline your infusion center process.

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Transcript: How Infusion Pumps Streamline Your Practice

Dylan McCabe: We Infuse podcast, episode number 36. Welcome to the We Infuse podcast. My name is Dylan McCabe. And in every episode, we give you a seat at the table as we talk with Infusion Center owners and operators and industry experts so that you can get the insights you need to grow and streamline your own practice. Now, in this episode, I’m going to talk with Steve Watkins. He’s the executive vice president. President of Zeno Solutions. And prior to being with Zeno, he has founded a couple of different healthcare companies and been the CEO at the helm of companies that have been acquired and done really well. So he brings a lot of seasoned experience as an executive, as an entrepreneur, and also as somebody who’s an expert in the realm of infusion. Specifically, we’re going to talk about with. infusion pumps. So this episode is really going to be everything you need to know about infusion pumps to make an educated decision on whether or not you should incorporate infusion pumps in your practice, how to know the difference between different brands, and really just how to make an educated decision that I think could give you a great ROI, reduce stress, and streamline your processes for your nurses and your patients. Alright, let’s jump into this conversation with Steve. solutions. All right. As I mentioned, we have special guest on the show today, Steve Watkins. He’s the executive vice president and general manager of Zeno solutions. So Steve, thanks for being on the show.

Steve Watkins: Oh, thanks for having me. First time I’ve ever done a podcast. Appeared in front of investors and wall street and TV, but never a podcast. So I’ll stumble through it.

Dylan McCabe: Oh, well, you’re in good company. I’ve had, a lot of people say that before we get into it. So, before, it’s, really neat because we haven’t really had a deep dive on. pumps and infusion workflow as far as from that standpoint. So before we get into that and the different solutions that people can learn about, give us a little bit of knowledge on your background and how you got into this industry.

Steve Watkins: Okay. Originally I was a nuclear medicine technologist, promoted to chief tech and then had gone into sales. So from that, I was actually the original founder of FU system we’re, the largest provider of onco political pumps in the country. We were also part of the PRN group, which was the largest supplier of oncolytic drugs way back then. Cardinal ended up purchasing PRN services, but FU system grew. I was the, founder and CEO for about 15 years, and then I flow purchased us. I Flow is the maker of the on queue, the elastomeric devices. So, besides having pump experience, now I’ve got 10 years with iFLOW as both an officer and president of the, MQ system side. So, I understand elastomerics, IV pumps, etc. and during that time, I, we also branched out, we opened up a pharmacy. So, as a principal in a pharmacy, we had biomed services. We also acquired a billing service for doctors and DMEs. So, besides infusion, I’ve got, Wow. Med repair services, leasing company services, billing. So I’ve got a whole gamut of things like that. anyway, I took a, actually retired for nine and a half years. And during that time, I did a lot of consulting for different companies. One of the most rewarding was I did a consulting. For a company that set up nursing agencies and home healthcare agencies across the country and hospices. And we had a legal division, which I found very interesting. And that’s when the government started doing all their ADRs, their racks, there’s e picks, et cetera. So got that legal experience as well as just understanding how the Medicare and the government work as far as audits and what they’re looking for and, how they’re, finding companies and what the corrective actions were. So. Quite a bit of everything there. And then, Medicare came along with their changes in the Medicare ruling for home infusion devices, specifically ambulatory pumps with their, what’s called SC 1609, which says that now it’s an incident too. It’s not to be built separate as a DME. So I, with Zeno, I told, the owner, I said, this is going to change your marketing. Are you familiar with it? And he had said no. so I explained it to him. So he asked me to present to his, his sales team at, and I did. We went to the national sales meeting, presented to it. So he invited me back to Natick, which is just outside Boston, to show me what they were working on. And I kept seeing so many new innovative ideas, that would help patients and nurses, it was very exciting, things that they were working on, as well as some existing products that they were enhancing. A lot of different directions they had at that time. I think over 80 engineers working on projects, which for R and D for a smaller company was phenomenal. For one of the major pump companies, they do the connectivity from the EMR to the drug dispense, I’m sorry, from the drug dispensing machine to the pole mounted pump and back to the EMR, completing that whole cycle and it was all. New technology, didn’t realize they were the ones doing it. So a lot of exciting things. So they offered me a position, and said, you, we want you to be the strategic thoughts behind what we’re doing. So I accepted the job and said, I’ll do it for a year, just have fun. I’ve been retired and. It’s been three and a half years now and I’m still here because a lot of new things in the works and a lot of things that they are working on. So, and their biggest background is LVPs, large volume pumps and ambulatory pumps, as well as other devices that they are currently working on. So, quite a varied experience. It’s been fun. It’s been a great ride. I’ve seen the changes in Medicare rulings over 35 years. It’s how it affects everybody and got a chance to lobby in Washington. As well as present in Washington, the Medicare committees to see how they work. So very diverse background, but for our customers, that translates into understanding their pain points, how to solve the pain points. gives me a lot of knowledge when they start talking about audits, I can understand or repair bills. I understand what goes into it as well as, CapEx, costing the expense for these pumps and things like that. And how’s it going to help them in their clinics and their day to day operations. So just, summing it up, just a wide variety of backgrounds here. As I said, it’s been a fun ride. So

Dylan McCabe: anyway. Yeah, that is a that’s a vast experience that you bring to the table there from as founding more than one company CEO. So you’re bringing the perspective of an executive looking at costs and scalability. You’re also bringing an engineering perspective, getting really deep on that side. And like you mentioned, the legal issues in the industry. And I think that’s, Really neat that now you’re in a position where you’re just obviously operating in your experience and in your strengths from a strategy perspective, for the, the decisions in the path for Zeno. And like you said, understanding those pain points, that’s just really cool. So let’s get into that. Let’s talk about those pain points with somebody, maybe just starting in an ambulatory infusion center or running an infusion practice, and maybe they’ve not used pumps. And they want to consider using pumps. And here we go. you’re, whether it’s using pumps or buying a new air conditioner for your home, you, go into research mode and you’re presented with all these options. And if you’re not seasoned, like you are, it’s really difficult to wade through the options and know the pros and cons. So how would you start with a new customer that says. Look, we’ve got, six chairs, what we’re doing now is fine, but we’ve had talks with a few people and they said we should consider pumps. What are those initial thoughts or what’s, the process to, to work through, from that standpoint?

Steve Watkins: Well, the first and biggest roadblock or hindrances, they started up an infusion center and they’d spend a lot of money doing that. Now we’re coming along with. infusion pumps that are a capital cost for them. so, they’re a little bit hesitant at first, but what they don’t realize is, What pumps can do is increase your throughput. You can see more patients. And by that, you’ll say you’re using a gravity or dial flow. The nurse goes over, sets up the dial flow, walks away and she’s taking care of another patient. Well, the therapy ends. The nurse is still taking another care of another patient. She doesn’t realize that therapy has ended or the pump will alarm and say, therapy’s over. And so you can pause what she’s doing with that patient, walk over, do a quick DC and get that patient on their way. Two things happen here. Number one, the nurse is more efficient with their time, but number two, that patient started at nine, expected to be done at 10. They are done at 10. It just makes, it increases that throughput. We have a large group that has insisted on pumps, and they were going to do a white paper for us, but CV19 hit us. The reason they do pumps is they can add one or two more patients per site per day, just because of the efficiency. What we’ve done is have, for our pumps and I’m not making a plug here, but we did a simple thing. We listened to what the nurses have, the big pain points. And one of them is if we have, let’s say five or 10 chairs and pumps are beeping, we don’t know which pump is beating, it’s stretched out. So we’ve got to go patient to patient So we have a little plug in blue or red light, depending on. On your taste of colors, and it flashes, so it lets the nurse know that, hey, there’s something with this pump, be it an occlusion, or the patient’s therapy has ended, or whatnot, so simple things like that, but it increases throughput, which increases the revenue, which increases patient satisfaction, as well as helping the nurses know. Nurses also, if we’re doing something like a 10 step protocol, they’re doing a Dial A Flow, they’ve got to stop what they’re doing, because the patient’s, first step is done, go over and change the parameters, come back, start, working with another patient. Oh, now I got to go back and change it again, where the pumps, at least our pumps, we can do that. We can program a protocol on there that’s a 10 step and it automatically does that. So all the nurse has to do is just make sure the patient’s doing fine, a quick glance at them, or how’s it going, Mr. Smith. So it allows that. As well as we can pre program the pump to do certain protocols that they want. They have a protocol they do quite often. They just go up, put the IV tubing through the pump, connect the patient, and then just basically dial in, let’s just say it’s ketamine or something like that. They have a standard formulary. The pump starts going, and they can go on and do some other work with some other patients or their charting and stuff like that. So pumps will increase the throughput. Which allows you to nurses more time to get other things done as well as get patient satisfaction and your return on investment is that fact you can see an extra patient or two and patients will repeat coming back they’re going to like that they’re on schedule so they’re not going to the bigger hospitals etc. So those are type of things we would discuss with the infusion manager business practice, or the physician, whatever. But that’s one of the biggest things, we get into safety of the pumps. occlusions happen, pumps will alarm for that, where with gravity and dial flows and all that, you just never know those things are going on. So you’ve run into some issues with clotting, which, you’ve got to flush the line, again, taking more time. So if you’re not catching those things right up front. That patient requires more time. They’re in the chair longer. You can’t see the other patients. They get backed up because they’re waiting for the next step of the therapy or to be dc’d etc So those are some of the again

Dylan McCabe: factors that we would discuss So well in another it seems like another big bit. So you’ve got the benefit. Well, you’ve got the pain point of a very cumbersome workflow for the infusion nurse having to address these different issues, whereas with the pump, it’s more streamlined and automated once you get the patient set up. But it seems like another, another pain point is you’ve got an infusion nurse with, if you’ve got high volume in those chairs and those chairs are turning over with patients, you have dramatically increased the complexity of the infusion nurses workflow. Because now the nurse is having to address different people at different stages of the process and having to, like you said, manually go address all these issues. Whereas with a pump, you’re simplifying the process. And I think that’s one of the main roles of anybody who leads any kind of business, whether it’s an ambulatory infusion center or whatever business you’re one of your key functions as a leader is to simplify. You’ve got to simplify the process because if that nurse’s stress level increases You’re automatically going to get a reduction in patient care You’re going to get a poor patient experience if the nurse is running around like crazy. so What about cost? Oh, go ahead.

Steve Watkins: I would say and one of the things too. It’s not just about the patient If we can keep the patient on schedule the nurse gets done At the end of the day, she’s not having to stay after, do the charting because she didn’t have a chance to do the charting. She gets to go home at five o’clock and enjoy some family life too. So having been a former clinician, when I was in nuclear medicine and I was chief of cardiology medicine, I had to take the call or, the patients are over there for an extra hour or two because we had some issues and we didn’t get to them. So, You’d believe instead of an eight hour day, you’re putting nine, ten hours in by time to get home. It’s it’s very tough. So we consider the nurse in all of this. So anyway, I just wanted to say if it wasn’t just the patient, we consider, pumps will consider, take the nurses into account. So anyway, you were going to lead into another

Dylan McCabe: question. Yeah. And so, and that’s one of the things, we always discuss that we infuse is we, with the infusion nurses note in our system, the nurse, it makes the nurses charting very specific, but also very fast and easy. And we get a lot of feedback from different infusion practices where the nurses are just, Singing our praises, saying you’ve reduced the amount of time we spend charting dramatically. There’s even a large infusion practice in Birmingham, Alabama, that we took off about two hours a day at the end of the day for the infusion nurses because the current process they had was so lengthy. And so it seems like you guys are really in line with that. You’re just, you’re making things easier, faster, and, just more streamlined. So what about the, from a cost perspective? I know I’ve talked with one of your reps in Texas and he gave some case studies on cost savings, but I think, like you said, some people think, oh, this is a capital expenditure, but really long term you save costs, you reduce costs, you save them money. So let’s talk about that, how does that work long term?

Steve Watkins: Long term, and again, I’m familiar with the xeno pumps, or most familiar, I should say, with the Xeno pumps. These are the time Xes of the industry. They, we’ve got some, when they first started 15 years ago, they’re still in the field. they just keep on pumping away. So it’s not like you’re gonna have to replace these pumps in three to five years. They’re just going to keep on going. You can amortize them over, for your cost, depending on your cost basis. There’s a point in time where, okay, they might need updating. Well, our pumps can be updated, manually for these types. we have wireless ones also, but they can be updated with new software and changes during the preventive maintenance process. And the cost, you have leasing, you have rentals, you have just straight up purchasing of these pumps, and you can finance those purchases. So, the cost really is, when you think of a pump that’s going to last 10 or 15 years, really becomes quite minimal on it. And then we get into the supplies. Our supplies are very reasonably cost. And it depends on the complexity of your, of what you’re administering. Do you need a filter? Do you not need a filter? It’s the same thing as you would have with a gravity set. Thank you. And, but, you’ve got a pump, pump that has a pumping chamber, so you do have to have stilastic or a type of PVC that will fit in that, which costs a little bit more. But in the overall scheme of the cost of drugs, the cost of the overhead, nursing, administration, these are just slight, costs. it’s almost like a rounding error per se. so the cost isn’t that prohibitive to acquire a pump and use a pump compared to what they’re doing out there. the dial flow costs some money and even gravity if you’re using gravity. And I do see that a lot, as a cost associated with it. But a pump set. There’s some technology behind it, but you basically have a IV bag, spike, part that goes in the pumping chamber, and distal end. Now, if you want to add, Y sites for injections and piggybacks and things like that, you’re adding cost, but you’d have to add that same cost on any other type of set. So, in the overall scheme, We’re not really that much more expensive for an IV set. Now, some pumps, get a little bit fancier in the drip chamber, I’m sorry, drip chambers, but the part that goes in the pump, the pumping chambers, and there is more cost, but that’s one of the things we decided at Zeno that we want to make this very affordable. We want to pump at last. The biggest, having the biomed side of it again, we’ll go into that, is our pumps have a metal door on it versus a plastic door, a metal handle. And that’s always a breaking point on pumps. Pumps, when you lift up the plastic handle, open the door, it just, hundreds of times in a month, they break, it’s really the way it is, but we designed ours with metal, handle, metal door, we don’t put any electronics at all in the door whatsoever. So if the door breaks, which doesn’t happen, but by some odd reason, there’s no, electrical. Our, pump sensors, et cetera, et cetera, built into that. So we don’t have that extra repair cost involved in it. So again, we’re, the Timex, we’re the workhorse of the industry, but these pumps will last and keep on working. Minimal upkeep, preventative maintenance for your protocols or, for your institution there. And we’re good to go. So I think that

Dylan McCabe: is, I hope that answered your question. No, that’s great. you guys really, like you said, the workhorse of the industry, I’m a truck guy, I’ve had trucks for years and I, Toyota is not paying me to say this, but I love my Toyota Tundra. I’m on my second one. My wife has had multiple Toyota four runners and I had a friend call me a few weeks ago and say, Hey, do you, recommend a good mechanic nearby? In the area we live in Dallas and I said, well, I got to tell you, I’ve never been to a mechanic in 10 years. I have not been to a mechanic a single time. All I’ve had to do is replace one battery, but we’ve had no issues with our vehicles. We do the scheduled maintenance. And that’s what happens when you have a Toyota Tundra. it’s just a bulletproof truck. And I feel like the Xeno pump, you guys have put some real thought and strategy into even the way the pump is designed, like you mentioned with the metal door. And I think another thing. is the, way that the pump is angled. So let’s talk about that from a design standpoint.

Steve Watkins: Yeah. we designed our pumps with nurses input and clinicians input. Everybody says that, let’s just face it. Everybody says, Oh yeah, we took, we did that. We have what we call a minimum viable. So we make a, Pump or whatever, we have different things. Again, we go into different things that we manufacture. We take the pump minimum viable beta tested out there, take the input, bring it back and change it. So one of the things where, nurses have to drop down to see it, or it’s too high up on the pole, too low on the pole, nurse is short. Nurse is tall by turning it at 45 degrees. It just makes it so much easier. That’s just, it’s like, wow, why didn’t I think of that? Yeah. And it’s the same thing with the light that we have that signals there’s an issue with the pump or end of infusion. They can see that, we have some huge clinics that are, almost like L shaped, and they’ll have 20, 30, 40 chairs. In fact, some of them, we have 90 chairs. They hear, pumps are beeping as they’re being programmed. Pumps are beeping as there’s occlusion. Pumps are beeping because they’re ending. It’s like, well, who’s what, where? Where if they see the light flashing, they can zero in right on that pump real quick. It’s just. Again, simple things like why didn’t, why did anybody else think of that? So we’ve done that same way with our pumps being very, intuitive. It was all due to nurses input. So, we really did listen. We did make changes again, starting out minimum viable, get the feedback, make the changes. Send it back out, get the feedback and make the changes. So we’ve evolved with our pump over the years, but having said that we have the pumps that are 10, 15 years old that have had software updates. Cause again, ours are upgradable that way. Nurses just love them the way they are. I said, not we’re fine. We’re just going to stay with these. So the pumps have evolved, but we still see a lot of the very. First original ones that are out there. we owe a lot of it to the clinicians and business practice people that are out there. they gave us the input. They list, they showed us what they needed and we responded accordingly. So it’s a, partnership. that’s how you, that’s how you develop the relationship. How you make changes and everybody’s happy. We’re making a great product. They’re happy. They’re seeing what they wanted to see in the product works out well for all parties involved.

Dylan McCabe: Absolutely. And that’s the way, changes get brought up, got brought about and we infuse over the last couple of years as well, you hear the same things that your customers want over and over again, and it’s like, okay, let’s push this to the top of the list for the software development team. And when you do that, for you guys with Xeno solutions, when you do that. You really do start to set yourself apart from the competition in unique ways. And you guys have clearly done that. So let’s, address another thing that we hear often that we infuse is the infusion nurses. Maybe they’ve been an infusion nurse for 10, 15, 20 years. They have done something a specific way and it works. And it’s not a pump. All right. So the infusion, whether it’s the practice manager or the owner of the infusion center, they’re thinking, I’ve got some solid infusion nurses. They know what they’re doing. Now I’m going to come in and say, we’re about to change the way you do things. So how do you, and I know you guys hear that as well. How do you address that? that source of stress to come in and say, Hey, look, it’s actually not that complicated. Here’s our training process and what have you.

Steve Watkins: Well, again, some of the input, our pumps are very intuitive. We put in, at one large institution, over 3, 000 pumps. We did not even have a rep go in. They just picked it up immediately themselves. we sent them a DVDs and that, but it was so intuitive. They said, this is, there’s nothing to that. So, if you’re going to a nurse has had that first off, again, because they don’t have that structured. Pump throughput. They’re running behind. They’re tired at the end of the day. They don’t want to say, Oh, God, something else I need to learn. So what we do is we’ll come in, do a demo and we’ll let them have a pump for a day and see how easy it is. And, we’ll work with them side by side. And once they see how easy it is and how it really helps them through the day and they’re charging everything pretty much sells itself. That’s what we have found. It’s just, it’s not an intrusion. It’s just having the nurse having the time to actually sit down with us because without a pump in the institution, they’re just running ragged. So, simple demo. Let them play with it. Let them have it. Let them try it for a day or two. And, see the results, I think. Most nurses will, are very glad to see what, what’s progressing out there. So

Dylan McCabe: I think so too, especially when you can see and, get that demo in person and see how it can save. Really just save you time, make your, job easier and make it easier for you to, administer great patient care. Who wouldn’t want that? And obviously there’s a clear ROI from a cost standpoint, long term. And you guys have a solid piece of equipment. And so what would you say are one of the things that you guys address that, maybe I haven’t asked about, or you haven’t mentioned from, a decision standpoint that you would want to add to this, that, a pain point, or maybe a, hesitation that a potential customer may have.

Steve Watkins: Well, everybody’s, the Nursing Society recommends pumps, free flow devices, et cetera. Original pumps never had free flow protection in it. Then Nursing Society, I think it was the ONS Society, came along and said, we need free flow protection. So we’ve added that into our devices. They’re really, I guess the pain points really are, it depends on, again, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to backtrack a little bit, but if it’s an oncology unit with drug dispensing unit, depending which ones they have, they’re trying to do stop and start times to chart all that. I see when I go to a place that doesn’t have integration, I see sticky notes everywhere where they’re trying to, the, start and stop times and now down where we’ve developed a wireless system that will, again, go from the drug dispensing machine. Tell, tell us the pump what’s there. You have to choose it. We don’t pre program the pump. And then when the start and stop times are fed automatically to the EMR system. So those types of things make it so much larger. It’s not economical for a small, five, seven chair place, but, seven chair clinic. But when you start getting 20, 30 pumps, it becomes very economical. And that was always a pain point. When you start getting that many patients trying to chart all the stop, stop and start times and who’s starting it and who’s stopping it. There’s an eruption. Interruption from an anaphylactic reaction or something, trying to keep track of all that. So we actually do track, track that. But again, depends on, we’re only integrated with several different EMR systems at this point in time, and we keep adding them as we go along. it’s just, we try to make life easier for the nurse, and that’s the whole thing behind it. So, as we get more and more data out there, and we have over, gosh, 40 some thousand pumps out there right now. So, we’ve, I think we’ve got most of the input, but we’re always open to changing things. We just changed something for a major oncology center, down south, because they said we would like to see X. So we did X because the pumps are programmable through software, things like that. I think

Dylan McCabe: that pretty much would answer the question. No, that’s good. And so, yeah, with 40, 000 pumps, I’m sure you get, plenty of feedback and you hear the same things over and over again. And so with your experience in the industry and the, roles that you’ve had in different organizations. What’s the best advice you can give to somebody that it has, they’ve got their infusion practice. They’re trying to grow it. Maybe they’ve even started some pumps just from a, I’d like to get your advice from a business perspective and also just your advice as far as just having a great culture and even a clinical perspective on, using pumps and growing the business. But, first just with your, what you’ve experienced, what would you, what’s the best advice you could give to somebody that’s, maybe They’ve only been doing this for a year or two, and they really want to do this well long term.

Steve Watkins: One of the things I saw, very predominantly back when infusion clinics had been open for a while, and this goes back to my billing experience, we would see that there were a lot of billing errors, due to changeover or changing regulations and that. So you need a billing expert to look at. What you’re billing and how you’re billing because the space it’s revenue is what’s keeping you open We had a physician infectious disease physician who said my billers are great and they were very conscientious people But we found I forget the drug I want to say it was an ampicillin but something along those lines Where they were billing for one gram for every infusion and patients were receiving three and four grams So they were losing out three or four, 7, 500 percent of revenue because they were not billing it correctly. So once we pointed that out, he had us look further and further until we found a lot of those types of errors. It’s just the way the previous person had set it up and that’s the way that, following people had done so. You have to keep that revenue flowing and part of keeping the revenue flowing is your billing. So from the business point of view, that’s one of the major things. Number two is the culture. You want happy, friendly nurses and again back to the thing of getting them home on time. So they have a great working environment. Patients like to know they’re going to come in at nine o’clock and get started at nine thirty. They’re done by ten thirty and they’re on their way. So again, that’s where pumps come in, creates a happy environment. I hate to say it this way. My wife’s always saying, happy wife, happy life, happy patients, happy nurses, just makes easy on the space that nurses are in there to take care of patients. They want to see happy patients. They want to see results. And our pumps help provide that type of environment for them.

Dylan McCabe: How can people get in touch with you? obviously there’s a lot that Zeno solutions offers and you guys have. Such a great reputation in the marketplace, which is why we’ve partnered with you strategically at we infused. What? What’s the best thing people can do to connect with you guys?

Steve Watkins: Well, I think the best thing is because they’re part of the we infused family is just get ahold of we infused. You just ask. Hey, we’re interested in pumps. Weenfuse calls me up directly and says, Hey, can you take care of these people? So I find where they’re located. I assign it to a rep and then that rep takes it, takes care of them. So, we have a website xenosolutions. com. And that’s a nice thing, to get the actual personal feel, touching, touching, feeling is, just go through. We infuse Greece and Brian, send me an email and then we get the ball rolling and put the rep in contact. it just seems like a very good system works very well for everybody. Plus it gives WeInfuse a chance to talk to them and say, Hey, here’s our collaboration. Here’s what we recommend. and I’m going to put you in touch with XenoSolutions. And then it goes directly to me and I take it to the rep. And I always let the person that’s contacted me know, Hey, here’s the contact information for the rep, but I’m including them in our emails. And just, it’s a system that seems to have been work and I haven’t had any complaints about it whatsoever. So it starts with WeInfuse. They’re a great organization and they care for their

Dylan McCabe: customers. That’s good. Well, Steve Watkins, Executive VP with Xeno Solutions. Thank you so much for being on the show. All right. Great interview with Steve Watkins. I love what he said when he talked about just really making the nurse’s life better and consequently the patient’s life better. And really we’re just reducing the number of steps in the process through using pumps. And I really like what he highlighted about the differences in pumps, everything from the metal door to the light on top to the 45 degree angle. So I hope you guys got a lot out of it. If you Did you can, if you want to learn more, you can reach out to somebody that we infused to learn more about the whole ecosystem we have for you. If you run an infusion practice, and if you haven’t done so already, you owe it to yourself to test drive, are we infused software. It is the absolute best. software solution for the infusion center. And we host webinars, it’s called test drive Tuesdays, and you can also just reach out to one of our account executives and just do a demo of the software. You will be blown away by how the software can save you time, save you money, and simplify a very cumbersome workflow and make it manageable and get a grip on that practice the way you want to. All right, guys, this is Dylan McCabe with the We Infuse podcast, and I will catch you in the next episode.

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